LR Sucks
I am hearing that employees at Praxis of the Firelands by Landmark Recovery haven’t been paid in three weeks. Apparently, employees were told they would be paid in full today. Earlier today, I was informed that employees at Landmark Recovery of Knoxville hadn’t been paid in three weeks. Any employee who hasn’t been paid needs… Continue reading Praxis of the Firelands by Landmark Recovery Employees Have not Been Paid in Three Weeks
Today, employees contacted me and advised me they have not been paid for the past 21 days they have worked. Anybody who has not been paid needs to file a complaint with the Department of Labor. Since Harmony is operating this facility under Landmark Recovery’s license and HR took over as of May 1st, this… Continue reading More Issues at Landmark Recovery of Knoxville
I was informed that staff needs to download all of the patient records because LR is cutting off access to the Electronic Medical Records EMR system. Staff will need to chart patients via paper. LR claimed that they would stop admitting patients, but a new patient was admitted yesterday. What could possibly go wrong? Patients… Continue reading Landmark of Knoxville Paper Charting
I received a tip today that Landmark inadvertently admitted Medicaid patients who didn’t have the proper type of Medicaid insurance. Approximately ten recent admits are being discharged with nowhere to go. The patients have been at LR for less than five days. They are in the middle of detoxing. One potential female admit was sitting… Continue reading Landmark is Sending Patients away from Praxis of Little Rock by Landmark
Sources have informed me that there was a traffic accident involving an employee. The transportation patient engagement specialist (TPES) was transporting a pregnant female at the time. One source stated the TPES refused to submit to a drug test. Both sources advised me that the TPES hasn’t returned to LR since the accident. LR is… Continue reading More issues at Praxis of Little Rock by Landmark
LR has entered into an agreement with DMHA, a division of the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration. This will allow LR to apply for certification to reopen Bluffton and Carmel. LR will need to submit biweekly reports showing that LR is keeping up with the standard of Indiana’s codes and safety practices. Imagine my surprise… Continue reading Landmark of Indianapolis
I am being told Landmark is reopening Praxis of Fort Wayne by LR in May. LR is planning on reopening Praxis of Carmel by LR in November. Apparently Matty claims LR will have all of their medical contracts back. Here is the full text from Matty’s email: Team, It is with great joy that I… Continue reading Landmark is reopening two Indiana Medicaid facilities
As some people know, a class action lawsuit was filed by employees over wages. The complaint is employees were forced to clock out for meal breaks while working through the breaks. There is a complaint that employees worked overtime and weren’t paid for it. LR has initiated a mediation process with the 600+ employees involved… Continue reading Landmark Employees Class Action Lawsuit
I did a Google search for Matthew Boyle Landmark (redacted), and stupid Google pulled the wrong image for the featured snippet. I reached out to Matthew, whose image was being displayed. He advised me that he has repeatedly asked LR to remove him from the website. He is not the only former employee still on… Continue reading Landmark Fails to Update the Website
On Saturday, April 13, 2024, Hostgator, my hosting provider, advised me that I had not removed all Trademark Infringement content. I deleted my entire website and emailed them back. I already backed up the website when I learned I might be knocked offline once I heard. I lost a few comments and one post. The… Continue reading I Won the Appeal against Landmark