Who Picked the Paper Check Company

Can we all agree that the paper checks have been a disaster from day one? Countless people have had issues with direct deposit or getting them cashed. Some check-cashing places attempted to call LR and were able to make contact with somebody to verify the employee’s employment. Is this because HR was gutted?

There was the issue where checks were sent out 2nd day instead of overnight. Now, a week later, the checks are bouncing. Matty is blaming the employees’ banks. This is an absolute lie. I spoke with my mom; she advised me that banks know instantly if funds are available. If anybody has this communication from Matty, I need it ASAP. If Landmark sent out checks they knew would bounce, that is mail fraud and falls under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, RICO stature. We will add this to the laundry list of crimes the Boils are being investigated for.

The other issue with the paper checks is that no paystub is attached. There is no record of the deductions. Employees can’t see their deductions. I am being told Landmark is taking out deductions for child support but has not submitted the money to the state of Tennessee. One person lost their license over this. Employees can’t prove the money was deducted and should have been sent by Landmark. People can go to jail for not paying child support. Where is the money that has been deducted? Is this a failure on Landmark’s end, the vendor issuing the checks? I need answers. I am going to get my answers, and the question is when.

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