Is the pressure getting to the C-suite staff? Tia Conard posted her frustration on Facebook. Tia is mistaken if she believes we are channeling our frustration to destroy LR. Tia, people brought up the issues you were involved with at the Landmark facilities. Several people have told me you looked the other way and refused to listen to security complaints and concerns. I can’t believe the audacity you have to claim that you want to help people get sober. If this were the case, you would have helped improve the facilities’ conditions. I don’t understand how you were promoted to Regional VP of Operations. You got demoted down to becoming Executive Director for SDF and PSDF.
This is precisely why LR is in the mess that they are in. They demoted the three Regional VPs of Operations. One quit, while Nicole Carter and Tia were demoted to Executive Directors. Neither Nicole nor Tia should have kept their jobs when staff was laid off on Friday, March 3rd, 2023, aka Black Friday. Both ladies talk about employees behind their backs and backstab people. The only reason that they are still employed is because they tow the company line.
Landmark has been going downhill because people who could have brought about positive changes were roadblocks. Several former employees have come forward because they cared about helping people battling addiction. I hear daily about employees being laid off, terminated, or furloughed. The Medicaid Facilitry of Cleveland by LR facility is dangerously close to having staffed furloughed. The Census is extremely low. If they drop below 20 patients, employees will be furlouged. If this is the case, why is Landmark hiring for ten positions? The jobs were all posted two days ago.

Nobody finds it funny that people are losing jobs and health care benefits. The Indeed job postings talk about the benefits that are gone. Employees can’t opt out of their insurance because it’s not an open enrollment period. Employees are stuck paying the increased insurance cost since Landmark decreased its contribution. Landmark treats its employees the same way they treat their patients poorly.

Tia, you had a chance to be a hero and blew it. Landmark is being held accountable for the years of issues that were ignored. The employees who spoke up were let go. Please don’t play the oh woah is my card; that’s nonsense. You drank the Kool-Aid and were part of the problem. People came to Landmark to help people; patients came to get better. Instead, patients were using drugs, staff were sleeping with patients, and facilities ran out of supplies and medication. Even employees raised these concerns when Clifford Boyle addressed employees; these questions were ignored. How many of those people are no longer employed at Landmark?
2 Responses to “Tia Conard Lashes Out on Facebook”
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Seeing her post was very disheartening. I worked with Tia for many years. She once was a kick ass therapist, team player and believe it or not was a very bit positive impacted in both units always. When she moved facilities and returned as ED, she was a completely different person. Pretty much wiped out the whole admin office when she came in which whatever that happened often anyways. The cycle of people in admin was all friends. Which is great we love a happy work environment, we don’t love a bunch of lazy ass bitches. This is not at all a hate post, that shits dust in the wind. However everyone of us ex employees, current employees, patients deserve to at least be heard. I got the opportunity to work with a very awesome group of people before Tia came in. Not perfect by any means, but each one of us was there for one purpose and one purpose only. To help at least 1 person, even if 63 jumped the fence we still dime our best to focus on helping that 1. Landmark had done some terrible damage to a lot of people. Including Tia. I am very grateful for this page. I left there thinking I may have been crazy. Thought I was overreacting about how unethical everything is as being ran. I really had to dig on that one it was the most toxic relationship I’ve ever been in. I commend everyone who works in recovery because it’s a hard fucking job man. The RECOVERY field is not a daycare this is people’s lives on the line. Several complaints about managers was made, all disappeared and lost of people fired. I wasn’t in them rooms when they was fired I don’t know what happened. What I do know is they like to dissolve positions and masks new ones and will dissolve them months down the road. That was done many times. It don’t take much for the patients to catch onto the inconsistencies, and act accordingly. Causing chaos Landmark was well downhill when Tia was put in that position. She came in put the hammer down like we was a broken team but instead took pieces from the team causing not only the team not to function properly without the missing pieces but we worked out of anger yes that’s our own shit for sure we all played a part but what transpired months after. Not many people got from management at all. The pem couldn’t answer for more than half of her daily issues that would be brought to her. At one point the woman’s quint was on a silent strike against Tia & Katie, because of the way they presented themselves like they was their mater instead of being a leader for them into a better life. I’m just ranting now there’s honestly so much fucked up shit that was brushed under the rug. I do hope to see Tia walk away from there and get her light back. I hope others share
Several people have referred to their time with Landmark as being in a toxic and abusive relationship. Landmark has broken people, given them PTSD, and several people have relapsed. Several people need to seek therapy and are still in therapy now. People are still seeking closure. Time will tell if Tia will see the light and change. This website started for patients and to expose Landmark Recovery and has become a sounding board for former employees. Thank you for coming forward and sharing. I hope you are doing better.