I am sorry that I haven’t published a new post in weeks. A lot is happening behind the scenes. I appreciate everyone who reached out via email, chat, and text. There is a mole in the Collective group. We don’t know if it was intentional or if somebody was trying to harass LR. I do have a suspect in mind. This person has played both sides a few times.
Here is what I know and can share. The remaining employees at home office are all on the fifth floor now. Some folks at the Home Office were paid late on Friday, while others, I am told, are still waiting. Landmark is still laying people off at home office, and the mood is the worst that it has ever been. Some people dread going into the office. Landmark has cut the contributions of medical benefits, forcing employees to pay more out of pocket. Mutual of Omaha dropped Landmark. Landmark was deducting money from paychecks for insurance and now needs to pay employees back. It sounds like Landmark needs to rob Peter to pay Paul.
I have heard more information regarding Samantha Thompson’s death. The autopsy should be coming out in November. Alvin Luster is the current Executive Director at Willard. Not a lot of people have anything nice to say about him. There are over two hours of transcripts of the emergency calls for Willard. There have been many staff members who had sexual relations with patients. Some were trading cigarettes and vapes in exchange for sexual favors. It seems Willard was one of the only facilities where staff were terminated for this. The Willard facility is 1000 feet from a preschool due to Landmark not performing proper assessments on patients at Home Office. Willard unknowingly admitted registered sex offenders. These patients would be there for days before it was discovered. Once it was known, these patients had to be transferred to Euclid. Can you imagine working or being a patient at a facility and not knowing that a registered sex offender was a patient? It does feel that Landmark does not regard its staff and fellow patients. There was a confirmed rape at Euclid back in May.
I have heard about multiple affairs inside facilities and at the Home Office. Several people have told me that Matty “Boil” Boyle’s wife, Maura, is a racist and won’t allow minorities in their home. I heard that Landmark wanted to fire anybody that was overweight. Clifford and Matty like to surround themselves with Pretty Young Things. MAGA hats are allowed in the office, yet rainbow flags are deemed too political.

The census is the worst that it has ever been. The word has gotten out. Sadly, Landmark is still trying to open more facilities. They can’t fill the facilities in Louisville, yet they are trying to open another facility there. This is how poor management is. Landmark is getting killed on Glassdoor. I love the comments from current and former clients. I refresh it daily and am usually the first to mark it as helpful. The truth keeps coming out daily. The amount of hate for Matty Boil is through the roof. I have heard from many nonviolent people who want to kick the snot out of him. I feel the same about him and Justin Hartman. Hartman destroyed admissions and wished to prevent proper patient screenings. It was all about Filling The Fucking Beds and damn the consequences. Once the beds were filled, Landmark would charge patients for medications and services they never received. This is insurance fraud.
Landmark will lose its license on January 1st, 2024. A new law will be passed that once a facility loses its license in one state, it loses it in every state. I heard one state is chopping at the bit to yank Landmark’s license on January 1st. Landmark has transitioned from being the Titanic to the Hindenburg phase. They are going to implode. This won’t be the end of Landmark; they still have the civil lawsuits, criminal cases, the Department of Justice, and The DEA to deal with. Landmark is beyond screwed.
I started this project to shine a light on the darkness of greed. This has become a group project. I may be one of the vocal people, but I appreciate everyone who has come forward with your stories and information. You are the true heroes. You were in the thick of it. I was so far removed. You got into this industry to help people. I am glad that I can share your stories and your pain. I have met countless wonderful people. Some of you I have become friends with along the way. This project has hurt me along the way. Some of your stories were painful and took their toll on me. I was also going through some personal things at the time, and I was hiding myself in a bottle. I had two people I met during this process that set me straight. I am a passionate person, and I feel your pain. We are all in this together, with the end goal to end Landmark and help a community of people who need help.