Medicaid Facilitry of the Firelands by LR

I have had two people advise me that there are safety issues at Medicaid Facilitry of the Firelands by LR in Willard, OH. Both individuals reported that the sewer water backed up and flowed into the hallways. Nobody mopped it up, and the water was allowed to dry independently. There is black mold in the showers. Instead of addressing the black mold, the mold is being covered up to pass a health inspection.

Black Mold in Medicaid Facilitry of the Firelands by LR

The dishwasher broke, and the facility uses paper plates to serve meals. Landmark is unable to pay to have the dishwasher fixed. I want to know who pays for the paper plates since Landmark can’t pay its bills. I can’t see buying paper plates as being financially sound.

No Air Conditioning at PSBN Medicaid Facilitry of South Bend by LR

I also heard that several rooms don’t have working air conditioning. I have heard that this also happened at the Mishawaka facility. The bottom line is that Landmark allows the properties to become run down and fail to maintain them. Black mold is a safety concern and causes health issues. All health departments need to conduct complete inspections of all facilities. They need to check all emergency exits and doors to ensure no safety concerns.

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