Medicaid Facilitry of Morrilton by LR is the facility where Landmark transported patients from LR of Oklahoma City. Logie Tyler, one of LR’s Regional Director of Nursing, wanted staff to transport medication across state lines in their vehicle because the pharmacy they set up wouldn’t have them in time. This is a failure to plan. I have been told that this facility has run out of medication on several occasions, once for an entire week. Nurses are instructed to share patient’s medications. They were told to lie on their Emars to state they administered a drug even if they didn’t have it.

One patient has a doctor’s order for compression stockings for an infection. This order was issued over a month ago. He has yet to receive these medically ordered stockings. Now, the Director of Nursing (DON) went out and personally bought a pair for this patient, and since the patient’s application for an extension was denied, he won’t give them to him. My source was told by the DON from the Executive Director (ED) to NOT send patients out to the local ER for treatment when they needed it because, of course, that meant Landmark would have to pay for it.
The Dietary Manager quit. Landmark needs this position’s license to serve meals. Landmark is serving meals without a license. Landmark has the job listed on Indeed for the second time this month. The ED begged staff to come in and cook for the patients. One staff member went across the street to Walmart to buy groceries. Patients work in the kitchen.

There was a flood last December. Not only did Landmark not pay the construction company, they took the insurance check. The fire sprinkler system was shut off because of the pipes that burst. Patient Engagement Specialists (PES) were supposed to be on fire watch every hour, but they weren’t doing it. The fire alarm went off after a maintenance worker placed a space heater in the riser room, which houses the sprinkler control room. It overheated. Had there been a real fire, people could have died, as there was no water in the system.
The windows can open fully. Patients can exit the property anytime they want. One patient stole a neighbor’s car. When the patient was confronted, he threw the keys at the owner’s chest, said to F off, and climbed back in the window. A patient left Against Staff Advice (ASA) by going out the window. Another patient who ASA’d was found miles away walking along the freeway.
Things will get worse if Landmark can get a Medicaid contract. This facility is next to a school. If admissions are continuing the practice of not performing proper intake interviews, registered sex offenders could be sent to this facility. That’s not allowed.

This image is of ED Kaylee Walker discussing a patient repeatedly asking to leave.

This patient had an issue where they complained of being a nine out of ten, and Landmark staff wouldn’t send them to the hospital. Recently, a patient died by suicide. Where were the staff, and how was this allowed to happen?