Medicaid Facilitry of Eastern Ohio by LR

LR is slated to open Medicaid Facilitry of Eastern Ohio by LR on September 1st. This location will be next to a private Christian school. The school has students from Pre-K through High School. The facility needs to use an access road connected to the school. All incoming and outgoing patients can only access the facility by passing by the school. The school board raised concerns about Landmark opening a facility this close to a school.

The school would have little concern if this were a commercial facility. Since this is a Medicaid Facilitry location, the school’s concerns are valid. The St. Joseph County Sheriff’s Department recommends revoking LR’s license. The Medicaid Facilitry facilities need to be better run and staffed. Staff members have complained for months, while corporate hasn’t fully addressed these concerns.

I am in contact with former staff members from various facilities. The stories and complaints I have heard lead me to believe that LR doesn’t care about the quality of care in the Medicaid Facilitry facilities. They admit more patients than they have staff for. The SJSD has been attempting to get LR to address its concerns. It took three days, within one to two days, for LR to step up.

I am concerned about LR opening up the Medicaid Facilitry of Eastern Ohio by LR facility. I suspect school officials and residents will complain about people leaving the facility. There have been issues at other facilities. Time will tell, but I’d hate it if I am right.

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