Paychecks are bouncing

I have had several people come forward to advise me that the banks are returning the checks due to insufficient funds. It might be time for the higher-ups to take massive pay cuts. Maybe it’s time to stop paying the fake employees who are drawing salaries and don’t work for Landmark. Let’s eliminate the “personal assistants,” which are just nannies in disguise. Matty, stop flying to facilities while staying in hotels and relying on rental cars. This is a waste of money. The bunnies are upset and scared.

Update: 7:49 AM PST Tuesday, February 27, 2024.

A source advised me that Matty “Boil” Boyle is blaming the employees’ banks for not honoring the checks. Sorry, my mom worked in banking for years; this doesn’t pass the smell test.

Update 5:38 PM PST Tuesday, February 27, 2024

A source emailed me the following: “The checks are definitely bouncing for insufficient funds. Their reasoning is “they changed banks” and told no one this was going to happen as a result. They’re asking the employees that used check cashing services to take the new one coming to them and ask them to swap it. Check cashing places have called the employees and told them they are turning the employee in for fraud.”

Update: 4:25 AM PST February 28, 2024

Employees are calling and should contact the FBI. This is a federal offense: federal check fraud because it crossed state lines. Employees are being told that they will receive replacement checks today.

Update 2/29/2024

An anonymous troll refutes the claims that employee checks were returned for insufficient funds. Ok, argue against these direct messages:

Matthew Boyle from LR blames the employees banks
LR bounced checks at Westerville

How about this email?

I know I said one email and one direct message, but a new source directly messaged me as I was working on this. Do you want to keep up with the lying, or do you want to stop? Employees at the facilities and upset and scared. You are here playing games while people don’t know if they will be able to pay bills or buy groceries. You are the biggest piece of shit for doing it. Your time will come, trust me.

Update: March 5, 2024

Here is the reason the checks bounced. One bank labeled it as a Frozen/ Banned Account. What do you wish to say now, my anonymous troll?

LR bounces check due to Frozen Blocked Account

Here is a photo showing the top check that bounced. The middle check is under a different LLC and bank name.

I asked my mom, who worked for Wells Fargo for years, what Frozen/ Blocked Account and she send me this link. “A blocked account generally refers to a financial account that has some limitations or restrictions placed upon it, temporarily or permanently. Accounts may be blocked or limited for a variety of reasons, including internal bank policies, external regulations, or via a court order or legal decision.”

4 Responses to “Paychecks are bouncing”

    1. This comment and the fact that can’t use your real name and email address, is an insult to all of the employees affected by this. Please feel free to enlighten me about what information I have that’s wrong? I know that replacement checks were issued. LR peeps need to stop trying to sell me lies. You can keep attempting to make me look stupid, but it’s backfiring. LR are the ones making matters worse. BTW issuing paychecks that would not be honored due to insufficient funds is a crime. Since they were mailed to facilities, it’s mail fraud and falls under the RICO stature. Everyone needs to file a complaint with their local FBI field office.

    1. Once you resort to name calling, you lost the argument. I am going to upload one email and one direct message I received about the bounce checks. The employees are lying about their checks bouncing and contacting the FBI. ED’s are lying to people. I look forward to Matt’s I messed and I own it email getting leaked to me.

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