Are things getting worse for LR

Are things getting worse for LR? This is a strange question with the company’s current state. They are facing eviction in Franklin. How much worse could it get? Several employees left a week ago—some were long-time loyalists, too. One employee may have left for personal reasons. Landmark struggled to make payroll yesterday, January 12th, 2024. Employees received two paystubs, one for a positive amount and a second for a negative amount. I was informed that employees would be paid at 5:00 PM. I wonder if everyone was paid. An anonymous source emailed me and claimed that Landmark missed payroll by $400,000 and had to borrow the money from another business. Landmark is paying people weekly.

Another anonymous source has informed me that the Marysville location will not open. The facility had the opening date pushed back, but according to my source, the Executive and Assistant Executive Directors were terminated. There are no positions posted online. The website still shows the location as coming soon. The Google Business Profile (GBP) shows it’s slated to open on March 3rd, 2024. The website doesn’t get updated, and I have found GBPs marked as open that haven’t opened.

A lot has happened with LR in 2023.

On Friday, March 3rd, 2023, LR laid off 70 staff members, myself included. Matthew Boyle started a rumor that I was terminated for sleeping with patients. I worked remotely from Los Angeles; the closest facility to me was Las Vegas. I never set foot inside any facilities. In July 2023, there were three patient deaths at the Mishawaka facility. Landmark lost its license for the three Medicaid facilities along with its Medicaid contract. Landmark lost its initial appeal hearing and is still waiting to hear back on the latest appeal hearing. Ohio passed a new law on January 1st, 2024, that would allow them to automatically suspend the licenses of any business that has their license suspended in any state. Landmark has three open facilities and four more slated to open in Ohio. This law will remove Landmark in Ohio.

Landmark was evicted in Las Vegas and Oklahoma City for failure to pay rent. Landmark was also evicted from Wintersville, OH. This facility has yet to open. Landmark wanted to open a facility next to a private school from Pre-K to the 12th grade. The school hired a law firm to block access to the access road. Landmark will not have their lease renewed in Franklin, TN. They rented two floors for their headquarters. Due to months of continuous layoffs, Landmark has moved all employees to the fifth floor. The two floors will be available on April 1st, 2024.

While Mishawaka has expedited the financial ruin of Landmark, things have always been bleak. Landmark has a long history of not paying vendors for services. I have spoken with countless former employees. They have all told me about bill collectors and vendors showing up and demanding to be paid. These facilities have received numerous final payment notices. Some staff had to take up collections for patients for food and clothing.

Before Landmark launched the drug and alcohol treatment facilities, Landmark ran senior living homes. Complaints are referring to the Boyles as slumlords. The Boyles did the same with LR. Landmark launched facilities without proper training or staff or without making necessary repairs. When the Mishawaka facility was doing staff training before opening, the sewer backed into the facility, and the staff could not flush the toilet. Sewer water has backed up at other facilities. Willard has black mold that was painted over.

It was on a corrective plan before Landmark lost its licensing in Indiana. Landmark did not address any of the issues, and things got worse. This is why Landmark has yet to be able to get its licensing back. Landmark took zero responsibility and blamed the state instead.

There have been fights, assaults, sexual assaults, rapes, staff sleeping with patients, and staff trafficking drugs. A former patient requested their medical records, and Landmark falsified the patient’s statements and behavior while inside the facility. I have heard about insurance fraud, where patients were billed for services and medications they never received. Some patients were left on the books up to three days after they left against staff orders. Landmark refused to let patients have their money, phones, or clothing when they chose to leave ASA. This was a tactic to force people to stay.

When the Oklahoma facility was closed down, Landmark rented a bus and transported patients across state lines to Morrilton, Arkansas. People in treatment were on a bus for over four hours. Nothing will if this doesn’t convince people that Landmark is in it for the money and everything. Landmark kept accepting patients, even knowing they were leaving in a few days.

I am curious how much admissions knew before the facilities closed. Several people I have spoken with were caught off guard by the closing of Las Vegas and Oklahoma. Landmark hasn’t been forthcoming in providing staff with the truth.

Somebody reached out to me recently. They feel that Landmark has three months left. Once Landmark is forced out of Ohio, this will be a massive death blow. Landmark will have to accelerate the timeline to open facilities in other states. There is one little caveat here. Landmark has moved a lot of its corporate operations to Nicaragua. They pay people $6 to $9 an hour as contract employees through Upwork. Cliff Boyle is overseeing the legal department.

Landmark has demonstrated time and time again that all they cared about was heads in beds and nothing else. Admissions were told to stop asking potential patients about their criminal records and backgrounds. This led to registered sex offenders being sent to Willard. Willard is 400 feet from a preschool. Once it was determined that the patient was a sex offender, they had to be immediately transported to Euclid, Oh. Staff were never alerted to patients they were receiving.

Landmark is holding on by a thread. If the Joint Commission were to investigate Landmark properly, Landmark would be done. Countless former employees and patients have filed complaints. The Joint Commission has tarnished its reputation by not investigating Landmark. I have reached out to them and am still waiting to hear back.

Soon, LR will be a distant memory. Hopefully, people will find a proper and caring treatment facility.

Michelle Dubey talks up LR

LR had a sponsored interview with Eightwest. Michelle Dubey, Vice President of Clinical Quality, sat down for the interview. She biffed her first answer. She talked about the stress of family and travel and how it’s easy to self-medicate. There was no mention of people being lonely or struggling with the holidays. It shows how out of touch Michelle is with why people use in the first place.

LR Sponsorship Eightwest

Michelle stated that Landmark doesn’t like people traveling for over two hours for treatment. Landmark consistently flew people from Oklahoma City to Las Vegas. A nonstop flight is two hours. A patient would need a ride to the airport, go through security, fly to Las Vegas, and get picked up to get to a facility. Remember TPES, driving around for hours, picking up multiple patients.

Michelle mentioned taking great care of the person seeking treatment. Multiple patients in Indiana are suing Landmark due to the horrible treatment they claimed to have received. Michelle also stated that Landmark has the highest quality in the industry at affordable prices. There is mold in the Willard facility, and water backed up there and in the Mishawaka facility. Where is this highest quality of care?

Landmark is fine paying for self-promotion, yet stiffens vendors and lays off employees left and right. This sponsored segment got me all amped up. This is a slap in the face to everyone that knows the truth. Eigthwest should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this nonsense. The kicker was that the facility they showed wasn’t even Battle Creek.

Angela Chapman former LR Patient

Hours before Angela Chapman’s car accident, she was a patient at LR of Louisville. Angela had an incident while at Landmark. She verbalized having homicidal intent. Landmark failed to transfer Angela to a higher-level care facility. I was informed that Angela was prescribed narcotics, given the keys to the car, and discharged.

Sadly, two hours after Angela was discharged from Landmark, she crossed over into oncoming traffic and collided with a car. The two children, a one and two-year-old, were killed in the crash. The driver, who was pregnant at the time, was transported to the hospital. The accident took place on Sunday, November 13th, 2022.

This accident should never have happened. Had Landmark referred Angela to another facility, these kids would still be alive. This is a failure on Landmark’s end. Time will tell if they will be held accountable.

Is LR Stealing from Employees

Several employees have been complaining that Landmark has been deducting funds for Mutual of Omaha yet not paying them. If this has happened to you, contact the U.S. Department of Labor – Benefits Security and file a claim, as well as your local state Department of Commerce and Insurance.

All complaints regarding L.M. not providing benefits that have been deducted from employee paychecks should be made to:
U.S. Department of Labor – Employee Benefits Security Administration (866) 444-4372
You will have to provide the following information:
Employee contribution for each benefit per pay period.
Date span for contribution (first deduction – last)
Benefits department contact: Megan Powell
A direct phone number for Megan (if you have one.) There isn’t a number listed for her or on any of her emails.
The U.S. D.O.L. rep will attempt to call L.M. with you on the phone, with your permission.

There may also be a legal issue over the Las Vegas layoffs. Landmark may need to provide employees with 60 days’ notice before closing Las Vegas. This must be investigated, and any affected employee should look into the Warn Act. You should contact the Department of Labor to inquire further.

The Mishawaka Autopsys are out

The news was able to obtain the cause of death for the three patients who died at Mishawaka. There was no massive shock with the patient who committed suicide. The questions remain on the bed checks. One of my sources advised me that the PES on duty didn’t know that the patient was on suicide watch. The first death was ruled due to the toxic effects of a combination of medications of Buprenorphine and Gabapentin. Buprenorphine is FDA-approved for acute pain, chronic pain, and opioid dependence. Gabapentin is in a class of drugs called anticonvulsants. Gabapentin treats seizures by decreasing abnormal excitement in the brain. Landmark prescribed these medications. The third death was ruled to be caused by chronic alcohol use disorder. Mishawaka was severely understaffed. We also don’t know how long the patients were at Landmark.

Matty Boil did state that Landmark was going to pursue getting its licenses reinstated. This seems futile as they still won’t have Medicaid and Blue Cross/ Blue Shield contracts. These facilities were already placed on a corrective plan in March. Landmark failed to make the necessary corrections, and conditions got worse. I’d like to know if Landmark has continued to pay rent for the three facilities. They can’t pay rent where they have patients; why would they pay rent for closed facilities?

Matt Boyle declares victory

Matty just sent out an email celebrating the coroner’s findings. He encouraged employees to share the links on social media. He also cautioned them not to be negative about the Sheriff’s Department and the State. Matt must have forgotten he was the first to bash the Sherrif and the State with his We Are War company-wide email. I haven’t. Excellent job sending out another tone-deaf email while being laid off left and right.

We are at war Matt Boyle email

It figures that Misty Hogan would share the news on LinkedIn while kissing Justin Hartman’s butt. Her post is more tone-deaf than Matty’s. She is happy that people are dead and that Landmark didn’t kill them. Let’s see how this plays out with the CCTV postage and the patient charts. If Landmark thinks they are coming out unscathed, they have another coming.

Misty Hogan defends LR

Update October 26. Misty Hogan deleted her LinkedIn profile yesterday.

Update October 30. MIsty Hogan reactivated her LinkedIn Profile, but the above post was removed.

LR got evicted in Las Vegas

I first broke the news on Saturday that LR would close down Las Vegas. I have now learned they were served with a 60-day eviction notice. Landmark told people yesterday and blamed it on Admissions. Landmark is full of lies, and so is Matty Boyle. This news contradicts his birthday email, discussing how things would improve. Matty has lied about the layoffs in March, too. One email said it was a house cleaning when it was for financial reasons. I was one of those who were laid off on Black Friday, March 3rd, 2023. I wouldn’t trust anything he says.

Why did I need to break the Las Vegas and Oklahoma City news? I have been questioned a few times about what I know and report. I know I have a giant bullseye on my back, and some people are waiting for me to be knocked off my pedalstool. I have integrity and character. I vet my information and know who is lying and feeding me misinformation. Landmark has yet to sue or serve me with a cease and desist. Landmark lacks integrity. Landmark is still hiring in OKC. They were hiring an Executive Director in Las Vegas, even knowing they were being evicted. How many more facilities will be closing becuase Landmark failed to pay rent?

Landmark just opened a 192-patient facility in Ohio. This facility will be closed come January 2024 with the law stating if a facility loses its license in one state, it loses it in Ohio. Landmark keeps focusing on expansion instead of fixing the issues. Landmark buys a property, increases its value, and then sells it. This is not sustainable. Landmark isn’t giving employees severance in Las Vegas. The wheels are falling off.

Here’s the thing: I have gotten under Matty’s skin and am living rent-free in his head. He hates me, my website, and The Collective. We all live rent-free in his head, and he can’t evict us. So, Matty, you come for the king you better not miss because I’m your huckleberry. You cracked me up yesterday. I am still laughing about it. You don’t live rent-free in my head. Chess, not checkers.

LR of Oklahoma City is being Evicted

Just the other, Matty Boyle was talking about how well the company is doing and that things are about to improve. Well, guess again: LR of Oklahoma City has 30 days to vacate the premises as they are being evicted. The landlord has had issues with collecting rent. In true Landmark fashion, only a few people know. The rest of the staff at OKC will be told next Friday. They will have three weeks to find a new job. The employees that do know can remain employed if they move to Morrilton, Arkansas. Do admissions know?

This is going to hurt Landmark. They will lose the Tribal contract. The Tribal contract was a huge money maker for Landmark. They would fly patients to Las Vegas and Denver as they could get cheap direct flights. Landmark will need to continue expanding or cutting its losses. Rumor has it that Landmark may shut down Las Vegas. I am shocked that Battle Creek is still open, as that facility was never profitable.

Matthew Boyle Addresses LR Employees

Yesterday was Matthew Boyle’s birthday, and he had a present for all of us. Matty sent out the following email. I published in as is, with the typos and grammatical errors.

From yesterday’s birthday boy, Matty Boil:

I understand we have all been through the ringer in the past few months. Many of us are weary, scared, and tired. I know personally I’ve slept in my own bed two nights since Labor Day. We have been through a lot, and we continue to face a lot.

In light of this, I wanted to share some good news. We have received toxicology and autopsy results from the deaths in Mishawaka. We can confirm officially there were in fact no overdoses. We know there was one suicide. The other deaths resulted from natural processes related to the patients’ disease. Some of you may be aware today is my birthday. After what we have gone through in the past few months, it was a great birthday present to receive this piece of validation. Whatever problems we may have had last year, this information validates what I have always maintained. We began cleaning house in March. We made positive changes as a company. We made tremendous progress in a short period of time. I am proud of what we have achieved. The events of July were tragic, but they were not a result of a failure of the company to provide quality healthcare. That is beyond a shadow of a doubt now.

Starting tomorrow, a new chapter will begin. We will work to restore our licenses and reopen the facilities that were closed. Of course, there is no guarantee this will work, but given the information we have now received, I am quite optimistic. I am proud that we have once again opened a new facility, in Westerville, OH. We received a new license today in Morrilton, Arkansas. It is always darkest before the dawn. Do not get distracted by the folks on facebook or the websites about us or the media. They have been wrong all along. We know what we stand for. We know the truth. And, despite all the odds, when it seems impossible, the truth has a funny way of sticking around. We will get through this, stronger than ever. We always have and always will.

There are many things to unpack here. Matty told the news reporters he would sit down for an interview. He proceeds to ghost them. With this good news, will he finally do it? If I were him, I would ensure the media knew these findings. Matt will be asked tough questions like staffing ratios, bed checks, and why the court forced them to turn over the CCTV videos.

Matty is going to focus on getting their licenses reinstated. Landmark was on a corrective plan earlier this year. Landmark not only failed to make the necessary changes, things got worse. Please remember that several former patients are suing Landmark over how they were treated while under Landmark’s care. Three people died under Landmark’s care at Mishawaka. Matty blames the patients for their deaths and accepts zero responsibility.

Do you know that Landmark has distanced themselves from the Mishawaka facility? They removed the location from the website, and the old URL redirects to the locations page. The website listed on the Google Business Profile (GBP) links to the Medicaid Facilitry website.

Matty refers to Black Friday, March 3rd’s layoffs as cleaning house. My team was gutted that day. We were told that we were being let go due to financial issues. Now we were laid off for house cleaning? Two people found new roles at the company. Make this make sense??? Matty hasn’t made anything better; he destroyed a wonderful and happy work environment. People have been unhappy since that day, and it’s only gotten worse. Employees hope that each day is their last day.

Matty then goes on to state that a new facility in Ohio. If Landmark fails to get its license reinstated in Indiana, it will be shut down in January. Again, the Boyles like to focus on expansion instead of fixing the issues at the facilities. Are you aware that Landmark needs the proper insurance level to perform telehealth? Landmark is trying to work around being unable to bill Medicaid in Indiana by using MD Wise.

Thank you, Matty, for acknowledging this website and the folks on Facebook. FYI, it’s one website and two Facebook groups. Do you think people are that stupid to believe you and ignore us and the media? People aren’t drinking the Kool-Aid. You said one thing that I agree with. The truth will stick around. Your false claims and criminal activities will be exposed to the world. I have several surprises in store for you. One final note: some of your employees mock your emails.

Misty Hogan LR Shill

Is Misty Hogan misguided, or did she overdose on the LR Kool-Aid? Misty Hogan is a Clinical Liaison at Landmark. She is also a Clinical Liason. Yes, she managed to misspell her job title and never removed it. Misty has the time of her life promoting LR at various events. Misty loves to post about them on LinkedIn, where she tags Gemma Gutierrez and Justin Hartman. She tagged Lisa Slate once.

Misty is on the board of directors for Recover Out Loud. This is morally unethical. ROL is active in the community and wants to help everyone in recovery. She had a LR booth at an event put on by Recover Out Loud. Misty sees no issues with this. Why would she, Landmark, line her pockets with a paycheck? The image below shows a banner ROL created as Misty stands behind a LR table.

Misty Hogan Recover Out Loud Banner and LR Booth

BDMs get bonuses on the amount of money that Landmark makes. Misty is triple dipping here. She is at an ROL event promoting LR to get patients into a facility and collecting a bonus. This is unethical and morally irresponsible. Misty sponsors events that contradict Matt Boyle’s beliefs. Matt doesn’t support the LGBTQ+ community. Misty believes that Landmark empowers women. I know too many women who will dispute that statement. The only women that Landmark cares about are skinny, pretty, or screwable. Landmark has been laying off more women and replacing them with men in the last few months. A few departments consist of men only.

Landmark is desperate to fill beds. Misty’s efforts won’t work after Landmark lost Blue Cross/ Blue Shield and Medicaid in Indiana. The census is low; Misty’s only hope is that she still has a job after Landmark continues to lay off and not pay staff. If it comes to her and a man, she will let go.

Copyright © 2025. All Rights Reserved. Landmark Recovery and the Boyles Suck by Flytonic.