Matthew Boyle Can not Silence You

It has come to my attention that in Matthew Boyle’s latest email, he is looking for whoever is leaking information. Well, Matty, welcome to the Streisand Effect. The more you try and control and shape the narrative that former employees are the enemy, the more information will be leaked. Not only do you not know who is leaking information, you don’t know how many people are. The kicker is you caused people to come forward.

If you are a former employee and signed the NDA, your NDA does not cover you talking to authorities about crimes committed by LR. You can ask any lawyer to verify this. I encourage everyone to come forward and speak with the lead detective, Det. Stopczynski or 574 323 4415. He will determine if his office or one of the federal agencies needs to hear from you. If you have information that can aid the patient’s lawsuit, contact The Crossen Law Firm.

People know exactly who Matty is. He throws tantrums and pretends to be a gladiator. One ex-employee from PSBN referred to him as a lost puppy when he showed up onsite. Matty was driving around town in a Tesla, and the company laid off almost 200 people a few weeks later!!! Matty doesn’t care about his staff or the patients at all. Matty only cares about Matty and making money.

If you work for LR, work on your exit strategy ASAP. If you are one of the corrupt people, get ready to go down with the ship. The Department of Justice will find everything; from what I know, Landmark is toast. Matty and the crew are looking at multiple pending charges. It won’t shock me if they get hit with RICO, Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations. Rico was the same way the government brought down Al Capone.

I am a digital marketer by trade but a consumer advocate by heart. I have been a consumer advocate since April 2013 and have never betrayed or divulged a source. I worked with nonprofits, mom-and-pop businesses, and universities in my first project. I still haven’t shared any of those names. You can come forward and share information; ensure you protect yourself.

Hey Matty, welcome to FAFO time and Streisand Effect. I have been gentle, but the gloves are coming off. I am going to 11 now. You think it’s terrible when your dad Cliffy talks bad about you; wait. I will mop the floor with you, sit in the front row for your trial, and have the biggest grin on my face. The true shame is you will receive better treatment in jail than your patients ever did.

LR Commission Bounties

“I didn’t feel safe.” anonymous employee. “If it weren’t for five men staying up all night, my staff and I may have been victims. I started carrying a pocket knife.” Why did this former employee not feel safe? It wasn’t just here, “I know that other female staff carried around mace.” It was the need for more security, being outnumbered, and walking alone in dark hallways. It could also be the types of patients that were admitted to the facilities.

Before Mishawaka’s opening, new hires had to conduct training with toilets that wouldn’t flush. The septic tank was full and overflowing. Mishawaka went from zero patients to a full 160-bed facility in weeks. The staff was completely outnumbered, and there needed to be enough security guards. Nicole Carter oversaw this facility and was well aware of the issues at this facility.

How did LR allow this to Happen?

When LR LR posted ads for admissions consultants ACs, they mentioned earning a commission. It is illegal for companies to pay commissions in the healthcare field. Instead, LR called this a bonus. LR paid the admissions people a commission if a patient walked into a facility and got admitted. The ACs were paid on a tiered system, 27 to 36 admits, $25 per admit, $45 for 37 to 42, and $75 for over 43 admits per month. If you didn’t get more than 26 admits, you didn’t get a bonus that month. If the ACs got somebody to agree to enter treatment, they would fail to complete the prescreening process. A prescreen summarizes what they have been using, any diagnosed medical or psychiatric conditions, medications, legal issues, if they’re homicidal or suicidal, and if they have a history of suicidal/homicidal ideations. LR offers HLOC a Higher Level of Care. The ACs didn’t pass this information to the facilities. LR would admit sex offenders and people with violent pasts and not tell staff.

LR Admissions Job Ad Offering Commission

Let’s circle back to the female employee that didn’t feel safe. Her fears were entirely justified. LR didn’t have her safety in mind. It was all about Fill The Fucking Beds. Admissions had a Do Not Readmit list. These people had left too many times, were violent, or brought in contraband. Instead of barring these patients, they would be moved to a different facility. A few patients got banned from all facilities.

Admissions would follow up with discharged patients to see if they relapsed. This was a required question. If they admitted to relapsing, they were encouraged to reenter rehab. The AC would again receive another $250 bonus. I question LR’s how many lives have been impacted when it was a revolving door of patients to be readmitted. When the census count is low, management will present the ACs with a target list of people to call. They were offered an additional bonus of $50 to $200 if they got somebody on the list into rehab that day. ACs and upper management tried admitting people should have been turned away.

Who is Nicole Carter

Nicole Carter went from being the Executive Director for LR to being the Regional VP of Operations. She oversaw the Indiana and Ohio facilities. I have heard from several sources that she was made aware of the issues at the facilities on multiple occasions. I have also heard from several former employees that they were terminated after speaking up. It is rumored that Nicole did such a horrible job running the facilities that she was demoted to ED at Indianapolis. Several former employees have had nothing nice to say about her.

Each time there was a death at one of the facilities that Nicole oversaw, the ED and Director of Nursing would be fired and replaced. It is rumored that COO Scott Quattrochi was terminated because he couldn’t reign in Nicole. I have heard this from several ex-employees. Before joining Landmark, Nicole works in HR for The Home Depot.

Nicole Marie Carter Praxis of Fort Wayne by Landmark Recovery Google review

Nicole left positive Google reviews for Medicaid Facilitry of Fort Wayne by LR, Medicaid Facilitry of South Bend by LR, Medicaid Facilitry of Cleveland by LR, and LR of Indianapolis. A new proposed rule by the FTC could see LR fined $44K per review. A consumer contacted me on Friday, July 29th, because she hired an unscrupulous moving company. Imagine my surprise when I saw that Nicole left a negative review for All My Sons Moving and Storage. Nicole expects to be treated with respect and for hired vendors to be careful with her items. It’s a shame; this wasn’t the same regarding patients and employees.

Nicole Marie Carter All My Sons Moving & Storage Google review

LR had a busy week.

On Tuesday, July 25th, 2023, Officers with the St. Joseph County Warrants team arrested an employee with two outstanding warrants. The first warrant was from February 2016. The second warrant is from August 2016, where the employee is accused of providing police with a false identity. When Landmark hired me in March 2023, Landmark used a third party to conduct my background check. Several ex-employees told me they were asked to go to the local police department and request a seven-year background check. I can’t imagine this employee willing to go to the police department to request a background check with open warrants. I also want to know who called the police and why.

On Wednesday, July 26th, LR was sued by nine former patients. The lawsuit is broken down into four categories: endangerment, medical malpractice, negligence, and punitive damages. According to the lawsuit, employees at Medicaid Facilitry failed to supervise patients adequately, did not provide access to professionals, or properly treat the patients looking for help with addiction.

The biggest bombshell came on Thursday, July 27th. LR had its license revoked for three facilities. The three facilities are Medicaid Facilitry of Carmel by LR, Medicaid Facilitry of Fort Wayne by LR, and Medicaid Facilitry of South Bend by LR. Landmark did not lose its licensing for LR of Indianapolis and the coming soon location Medicaid Facilitry of Ladoga by LR. Landmark has until August 17th to discharge or relocate patients. Landmark is unable to admit new patients at these facilities. Matthew Boyle sent out an email to the company expressing his dissatisfaction with the news. Matthew believes that he will be successful in getting an injunction. Guess what, Matthew? Things just got worse.

Matthew Boyle company email 1
Matthew Boyle company email 2

On Friday, July 28th, US Congressman Rudy Yakym ask the Indiana State Attorney General to open a formal investigation into LR. Matthew was worried about his licensing; now, he must worry about criminal prosecution and fines. The investigation will be like peeling back an onion. The AG’s office can look into the following, employees leaving Google reviews, employees not being paid for missed meal breaks and overtime, falsifying patient records, billing insurance when patients left against medical advice, preventing employees from calling 911, unsafe working conditions, and poor patient care. The state AG may even work with other states where LR has facilities. They could transfer the investigation over to the Department of Justice. I wouldn’t be surprised if Landmark sees RICO charges. Well, Matthew, welcome to FAFO. All those ex-employees that corporate wouldn’t listen to will bury you. They all have receipts too.

Update July 30th, 2023

LR Announces loss of Medicaid Insurance

LR has lost its Medicaid insurance in the State of Indiana. All patients have to be discharged by Thursday, August 3rd. Employees were informed via email that they would be furloughed for thirty days. I thought this would be the end of the news this week. I was wrong. I have just been informed that Blue Cross/ Blue Shield canceled their LR contract in Indiana. Patients are currently being discharged. There is speculation that our insurance carriers will follow suit.

Update August 1st

The DEA and the US Attorney’s Office are currently investigating LR. Que the Law and Order ding ding. This is an eleven on a scale of zero to ten. This means they can look at all of the facilities and investigate them. Landmark is not complying with the subpoenas in the ongoing death investigation. Let’s see how well Landmark fairs by ignoring the Department of Justice. If you read the story, please check out the comment posted by MedPsych defending Landmark and the replies to it.

LR Defender

Who is Matthew Boyle of LR

Matthew Boyle is currently the CEO of LR. Before Matt became CEO, he worked his way up while at Landmark Senior Living Communities. It’s laughable to say that he worked his way up, as it was his dad, Clifford Boyle’s company. Matt joined LSLC in August 2012. In April 2013, he became the VP of Finance. In a Glassdoor review, one former employee posted, “Residents are not a priority. Poor food quality served same items over and over.”

In March 2017, another reviewer titled their review, “Owner is basically a slum lord.” They posted the following in their review, “The building is falling apart. It constantly floods, the roof leaks the pipes burst multiple times. The owners do not want to put in the necessary money to repair & refurb. They just band-aid problems, and they get worse & worse.
High turnover in last few years. There was excellent management in a building that all left because of the company. High turnover, especially of all management positions now being filled with mostly uncaring, unqualified persons.
The Poor residents and front-line staff are so unhappy.
The company doesn’t pay their bills. Payroll bounces. Collections call to the facility all the time.
Health insurance is horrible & outrageously expensive.
Corporate forces building to take in residents they feel are inappropriate.”

Landmark Senior Living Communities Reviews Owner is basically a slum lord Glassdoor Review

I highlight these reviews because I saw similar reviews left for LR. There appears to be a reoccurring theme with LR locations running down and residences serving low-quality food.

In October 2017, Matt became the COO for Landmark Senior Living Communities and LR. My boss told me that LSLC is no longer a brand of LR.

Matt comes off as Garv Vee Alpha male on LinkedIn. He doesn’t believe in either diversity or gender sensitivity training. That’s hilarious since I underwent diversity training.

Matthew Boyle LinkedIn Management Bunny post

Matt believes that he is a gladiator and not a bunny. He likes to use the hashtags #gladiatorsonly, #bunnyrepellant, and #workculture. Matt is being extremely passive-aggressive on LinkedIn. He had an issue with somebody and kept talking about it without naming names. I suspect it was the Chief Operations Officer terminated in early 2023. Matt sent out one of the worst company-wide emails I have ever read announcing the termination of the COO. Matt likes to talk about company culture, while numerous people have highlighted issues with him and management.

Landmark Senior Living Communities Reviews Owner is basically a slum lord Glassdoor Review

Matt starts one post with, “Weak men create tough times.” Well, Matt, all of Landmark’s failures fall squarely on you. His companies have been financially unstable for years. Matt almost stated that he is open to feedback unless “I appreciate any and all comments. I just might take your opinion on my leadership abilities more seriously if you, too, achieved $100M in annual revenue in your sixth year of business at a company you built without giving up any equity. Brownie points if you did so before your 35th birthday.” If Matt achieved $100M in revenue, why can’t LR pay its bills? Why did we have to use a new credit card every other month? Why did John Hood have to use a credit card in his family member’s name?

I am hearing that a leadership change is happening at LR corporate. I heard that AJ Henry is no longer the COO. I wonder if he is gone or demoted. Matthew Boyle will be demoted to COO. I need to find out who the new or acting CEO is. These changes will likely not fix anything. LR was on a crash course to hit the iceberg, and they hit it. The intelligent people are getting on the lifeboats while the others are going down the ship.

Medicaid Facilitry of Eastern Ohio by LR

LR is slated to open Medicaid Facilitry of Eastern Ohio by LR on September 1st. This location will be next to a private Christian school. The school has students from Pre-K through High School. The facility needs to use an access road connected to the school. All incoming and outgoing patients can only access the facility by passing by the school. The school board raised concerns about Landmark opening a facility this close to a school.

The school would have little concern if this were a commercial facility. Since this is a Medicaid Facilitry location, the school’s concerns are valid. The St. Joseph County Sheriff’s Department recommends revoking LR’s license. The Medicaid Facilitry facilities need to be better run and staffed. Staff members have complained for months, while corporate hasn’t fully addressed these concerns.

I am in contact with former staff members from various facilities. The stories and complaints I have heard lead me to believe that LR doesn’t care about the quality of care in the Medicaid Facilitry facilities. They admit more patients than they have staff for. The SJSD has been attempting to get LR to address its concerns. It took three days, within one to two days, for LR to step up.

I am concerned about LR opening up the Medicaid Facilitry of Eastern Ohio by LR facility. I suspect school officials and residents will complain about people leaving the facility. There have been issues at other facilities. Time will tell, but I’d hate it if I am right.

LR Makes the News

The Medicaid Facilitry of South Bend by LR facility made the news after three people died within 24 hours. Two deaths are being investigated, and the third is by suicide. Medicaid Facilitry is a drug and alcohol treatment facility in Mishawaka, Indiana. According to police, they have responded to 122 calls for service for this facility. This location opened on August 16, 2022. That is 11 calls for assistance per month. The statement put out by the police department claims that this facility is straining law enforcement. The police department also suspects that employees might be trafficking drugs.

Is this an isolated situation?

While three deaths within a day are an anomaly, how these facilities are run makes it a widespread issue. Multiple ex-employees and patients have complained about the lack of staffing, training, resources, and level of care. LR took a director that messed up so badly at one location and moved to another Medicaid Facilitry location. The same results occurred. Look at this review for the Medicaid Facilitry of Fort Wayne by LR facility.

Medicaid Facilitry of Fort Wayne by LR Negative Google review

LR needs a proper discharge process in place. Residents have complained about people leaving the facilities and knocking on doors looking for assistance. Landmark pays for people to travel to their facilities yet has not planned when they complete the program.

Executive team members will fly out to another poorly run facility and do the dog and pony show. People from Landmark have been in constant contact with the St. Joseph County Police Department. They have repeatedly promised to make the necessary changes but failed to do so. The St. Joseph County Police Department wants to revoke the Medicaid Facilitry of South Bend by LR facility’s license.

Each location is given the airport code as the clinic name. The Medicaid Facilitry brand starts with a P. The airport code for South Bend is SBN. It was rumored that after corporate was informed of a rape at this location, people jokingly referred to this facility as Bend me over. This demonstrates a lack of empathy for people, if this is remotely true. Suppose I heard that at corporate headquarters, I would be in jail.

Medicaid Facilitry of Fort Wayne by LR Google review

I don’t know what it will take for LR to wake up and make the necessary changes. They have yet to listen to public officials; they don’t listen to online reviews and feedback from staff or patients. They don’t listen to the Glassdoor reviews. I reached out to my old boss, Lisa Slate. She said, “You know not to believe everything you see in the media.” Lisa’s message demonstrates how LR perceives these issues. I have a question for Lisa, does this mean I shouldn’t trust the statements being made by LR?

LR Reviews: What Is It Like to Work At LR? | Glassdoor

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