More issues at Praxis of Little Rock by Landmark

Sources have informed me that there was a traffic accident involving an employee. The transportation patient engagement specialist (TPES) was transporting a pregnant female at the time. One source stated the TPES refused to submit to a drug test. Both sources advised me that the TPES hasn’t returned to LR since the accident. LR is currently attempting to fill the position. One source advised me that multiple patients complained about the TPES’ driving and refused to be transported by him. Yet, he kept his job.

There are no security cameras monitoring the hallway or windows at this facility. The windows open fully and patients can come and go as they please. Both of my sources stated this was a direct order from Matty Boyle. Landmark has agreed to be in compliance in Indiana and supply biweekly reports, yet in other states, Landmark doesn’t.

Landmark admitted their first local patient. This facility was 100% Tribal. LR attempted to get a Medicaid contract. I guess they got it. This is not going to work out well. The number of issues and calls for service will drastically increase. This has happened at several LR facilities. I hope I am wrong.

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