LR of Western Michigan is done

Breaking news. LR of Western Michigan staff was informed today, Thursday, March 7, 2024, that tomorrow, Friday, March 8, 2024, will be everyone’s last day. Landmark stopped paying rent towards the end of 2023. Landmark knew they were being evicted. So why did they wait until the day before to tell staff? Everyone needs to file a complaint with the Department of Labor. The facility had to turn down a scheduled admit on Wednesday, March 6, 2024. The folks in admissions more than likely didn’t know.

A few staff members have contacted me, and they are angry. Landmark lied to them and told them that their jobs were safe. There is one patient at the facility, and they have to be discharged on Friday. They have nowhere to go. Landmark allowed this patient to come to this facility knowing they couldn’t complete their 30-day program. This tells you who Landmark is. Actions speak louder than words.

Update: March 6, 2024 8:31 AM

LR promises to pay staff through Friday, March 22nd. The department heads are needing to stay until Friday, March 15th.

One Response to “LR of Western Michigan is done”

  1. We were promised two weeks of severance pay for losing our jobs, Of course.We only got one full paycheck.The second one was only for twenty hours. First, this horrible company screws us over by telling us on a Thursday.We have no job as of friday. Then they promise us 2 weeks of severance pay even gave it to us in writing.And then we only got a week and a half pa

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