LR of Knoxville Negative Google Review

Today, I was alerted to this missing Google review regarding a former patient’s stay at LR of Knoxville. Google didn’t allow the review to be published. At first, I thought it was because the former patient posted her email address. Either the nanny bot found words that triggered the review to be flagged, or the aggressive algorithm prevented the review from being published.

Here is the full review without the email address. I have her permission to post this review.

“First of all, I was sober, with the help of God and AA alone, for 4 years – the whole time working in the recovery field myself at Addiction Campuses and Foundations Recovery- and relapsed in 2021 after my boyfriend had a stroke and my sister died, all within two months of each other. I VOLUNTARILY put myself into LR in Seymour, TN December 17, 2022, choosing to do so because I was struggling. From the day I admitted, noone was expecting me and they treated me like a nuisance during intake. My therapist quit the first week I was there. She told me before she left that Landmark had told the therapists there to end the call if we wanted to leave. After she left, I was never assigned another therapist. The sad thing about that is, you couldn’t make phone calls without one. Anyone I asked said they would lose their job if they let me use the phone, and they couldn’t tell me who to go to get reassigned. I went three weeks without speaking to my then 11 and 12 year old; even over Christmas. I cried myself to sleep that night, and they were upset with me when I came home. It did a number on our relationship and that’s something I’m still having to earn back. I was never assigned a psychiatrist and was completely detoxed off of my prescribed medication. They tried to force me to take detox meds ten days against my will; told me I’d have to stay in my room if I declined my vitals. Facilities can charge more for detox vs residential, so they would deny me drugs like Clonidine because they are non-controlled which means insurance pays less and moves me sooner to residential. I would have to build my anxiety so high that my blood pressure would reach a point that they would give it to me. Everyone did ten days. Didn’t matter if they needed it. I never received any of my calls or mail from home. The large workbooks we were supposed to receive we were charged for and never received. They mixed male and females in a cabin with absolutely no system in determining who should qualify. One put his hand on a girl’s crotch so they moved him downstairs. Men came into our rooms without knocking. They took our towels without us knowing and redistributed them. The staff cussed at us. We were locked inside at ALL times and were never allowed to leave campus or go outdoors. It was cramped and it smelled horrible. They were short on everything- food, toliet paper, towels because they were just packing us in. Later they took cots into rooms so they could stuff more in.I had to wash my clothes three times to get the smell out. My mother will attest to this. Detox patients and Residential patients were mixed from day one, and we had thirty minute room checks every hour detox or not, every night…full on flashlight in the face, door slammed. If you AMAd they kicked you out immediately and would call the cops if you were on campus, then they made you walk LITERALLY in the snow in freezing weather down a large hill. and were members of the staff and sleeping together; they were extremely open about it and treated us like dogs. A male patient, T fell one weekend and the staff would not let him leave campus to be treated….As in actually restricted him. He ended up having to have surgery on his leg because he went untreated. E was promised a case worker would be assigned her case and that someone would contact her job for the state as a correctional officer; she was fired because it never happened. S had a horrible eating disorder that should have been prioritized over her alcoholism. T had her suboxone stolen from the nurse’s office because it was left unlocked; and while on that subject, the nurses station was directly beside the commons area and you could hear everything the nurse said (HIPPA?) You had freaking employees showing slides that say “there is 100 percent chance of relapse without aftercare” implying LANDMARKS aftercare. TOTALLY false information- I STILL HAVE THE HANDOUTS!”

LR of Knoxville Negative Google Review part 1
LR of Knoxville Negative Google Review part 2
LR of Knoxville Negative Google Review part 3
LR of Knoxville Negative Google Review part 4

I have heard the above allegations countless times. Patients are not able to use the phone without somebody listening in. Of course, LR will say this is to prevent drugs from being requested, but this former patient claims it was to prevent them from leaving Against Staff Advise (ASA). ASA patients would be forced to leave the property immediately without transportation to get home. I am shocked that there weren’t any deaths like Bluffton.

Her patient’s therapist quit the first week she was there. She was not assigned another therapist and was unable to call her kids for Christmas. She didn’t receive all of her phone calls or mail. She was never given a psychiatrist and had to detox on her own. There are allegations of attempting to force her to take detox medication ten days after being at Landmark. She suggests it’s insurance fraud.

I have been communicating with her, and she has advised me that staff members were sleeping with each other. They were open about patients who were also sleeping with each other. She also told me that suboxone was stolen. This was captured on video. Was this reported to the proper authorities? I doubt it.

This review claims Landmark doesn’t care about patients, their well-being, or their safety. The review stresses that it’s about Heads in Beds and making money.

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