LR had a busy week.

On Tuesday, July 25th, 2023, Officers with the St. Joseph County Warrants team arrested an employee with two outstanding warrants. The first warrant was from February 2016. The second warrant is from August 2016, where the employee is accused of providing police with a false identity. When Landmark hired me in March 2023, Landmark used a third party to conduct my background check. Several ex-employees told me they were asked to go to the local police department and request a seven-year background check. I can’t imagine this employee willing to go to the police department to request a background check with open warrants. I also want to know who called the police and why.

On Wednesday, July 26th, LR was sued by nine former patients. The lawsuit is broken down into four categories: endangerment, medical malpractice, negligence, and punitive damages. According to the lawsuit, employees at Medicaid Facilitry failed to supervise patients adequately, did not provide access to professionals, or properly treat the patients looking for help with addiction.

The biggest bombshell came on Thursday, July 27th. LR had its license revoked for three facilities. The three facilities are Medicaid Facilitry of Carmel by LR, Medicaid Facilitry of Fort Wayne by LR, and Medicaid Facilitry of South Bend by LR. Landmark did not lose its licensing for LR of Indianapolis and the coming soon location Medicaid Facilitry of Ladoga by LR. Landmark has until August 17th to discharge or relocate patients. Landmark is unable to admit new patients at these facilities. Matthew Boyle sent out an email to the company expressing his dissatisfaction with the news. Matthew believes that he will be successful in getting an injunction. Guess what, Matthew? Things just got worse.

Matthew Boyle company email 1
Matthew Boyle company email 2

On Friday, July 28th, US Congressman Rudy Yakym ask the Indiana State Attorney General to open a formal investigation into LR. Matthew was worried about his licensing; now, he must worry about criminal prosecution and fines. The investigation will be like peeling back an onion. The AG’s office can look into the following, employees leaving Google reviews, employees not being paid for missed meal breaks and overtime, falsifying patient records, billing insurance when patients left against medical advice, preventing employees from calling 911, unsafe working conditions, and poor patient care. The state AG may even work with other states where LR has facilities. They could transfer the investigation over to the Department of Justice. I wouldn’t be surprised if Landmark sees RICO charges. Well, Matthew, welcome to FAFO. All those ex-employees that corporate wouldn’t listen to will bury you. They all have receipts too.

Update July 30th, 2023

LR Announces loss of Medicaid Insurance

LR has lost its Medicaid insurance in the State of Indiana. All patients have to be discharged by Thursday, August 3rd. Employees were informed via email that they would be furloughed for thirty days. I thought this would be the end of the news this week. I was wrong. I have just been informed that Blue Cross/ Blue Shield canceled their LR contract in Indiana. Patients are currently being discharged. There is speculation that our insurance carriers will follow suit.

Update August 1st

The DEA and the US Attorney’s Office are currently investigating LR. Que the Law and Order ding ding. This is an eleven on a scale of zero to ten. This means they can look at all of the facilities and investigate them. Landmark is not complying with the subpoenas in the ongoing death investigation. Let’s see how well Landmark fairs by ignoring the Department of Justice. If you read the story, please check out the comment posted by MedPsych defending Landmark and the replies to it.

LR Defender

3 Responses to “LR had a busy week.”

  1. Hey, saw this in a search about Landmark Recovery news on Facebook. I’m a former employee from the Praxis of Louisville (where I was a PES and Patient Advocate) and Las Vegas Landmark Recovery (where I was the PEM) locations and am teamed up with some other former employees from across the country trying to build momentum and get our experiences brought to light. This company is rotten from the top down and needs to be stopped. Maybe we could help each other? Either way, thanks for the work you’re doing bringing awareness.

    1. When I heard about the deaths and the way people in home office were joking around about the rapes, I couldn’t in go faith not weigh in. I am a digital marketer by trade and a consumer advocate by heart.

  2. Unfortunately, I am pleased with the decision to investigate Landmark Recovery for its unscrupulous antics. It is called Karma! God says do not touch my anointed! I worked 197 hours in a pay period because of “executive decisions” and was fired while on PTO recovering from the 197 hours. Karma is indeed that strong! I’m sorry for the patients, they need these services. Matt Boyle’s mission is beautiful, on paper. He has NO idea what he is doing!

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