Landmark Fails to Update the Website

I did a Google search for Matthew Boyle Landmark (redacted), and stupid Google pulled the wrong image for the featured snippet. I reached out to Matthew, whose image was being displayed. He advised me that he has repeatedly asked LR to remove him from the website. He is not the only former employee still on the website. Dr. Jason Kirby, Justin Hartman, and H. Chris Kang are on the website. LR no longer employs four of the six people listed on the Meet the Team page. LOL

Landmark Recovery meet the team

This isn’t the only page that LR had neglected to update. LR has three closed locations listed on their locations page. They have two locations that are closing down at the end of month still listed on the website.

Landmark Recovery listed locations

Perhapes LR shouldn’t have fired their marketing team or outsourced it. It does demonstrate how nobody is steering the ghost ship.

9 Responses to “Landmark Fails to Update the Website”

    1. Pretty difficult to secure funding for a company with a longstanding history of failing to pay vendors and bills.

    1. A complete dumpster fire. They allowed non-open locations to be marked as open. I got them updated as long as the facilities they were evicted from. They online traffic is tanking and they can’t fill beds.

  1. Here’s a reality check. If you’re C-suite and you’re still at Landmark, YOU suck at your job. This company’s failures are on you. You know you will never again find a weirdo emotionally-damaged CEO to pay you way more than you’re worth and you’re just sticking it out, scared to go back into the real world.

    1. I have spoken with hundreds of employees and this is not black and white. Some people can’t leave because of gaps in their work history, or their criminal records and drug use. People have families, rent, and mortgages to pay. LR pays more than any company and LR has offered people more money to stay. Some roles have to give several month’s notice. A lot of addiction treatment companies don’t want to hire LR employees because LR’s name and brand is trash. Let’s have some grace here like we would with people in addiction recovery. LR is like a cult and when you drink the Kool Aid or under Stockholm Syndrome, it’s difficult to see the truth. My coworkers on the marketing team all believed we were saving lives. The Boyles keep trying to poison my message by slandering me. See the we are at war email. Matty started the rumor I was fired for sleeping with patients. Sure, AJ should leave. Adam Stoddard won’t because of his relationship with Matty.

      To quote Depeche Mode, “try walking in my shoes, you’ll stumble in my footsteps.”

      If you can find employment elsewhere, get out now!!! I know a lot more behind the scenes.

  2. Digi may have been fired, but he was handpicked by Matty as the next Finance God. How did Matty find him, you ask? He saw him at their neighborhood clubhouse meet and greet, and thought he was cute. He specifically sent recruiters to make contact with Digi and bring him on board because he matched his requirements for being part of his “boy band”. Seems the band’s played their last gig, though. Not sure what you would call the AJ and Matty duo- Spaghetti and Meatball, Hugs and Quiches, Mumbo and Jumbo, Beavis and Butthead, or maybe just Fluff and Nutter. Seems like the only one left drinking the kool aid is AJ.

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