Landmark Employees Class Action Lawsuit

As some people know, a class action lawsuit was filed by employees over wages. The complaint is employees were forced to clock out for meal breaks while working through the breaks. There is a complaint that employees worked overtime and weren’t paid for it. LR has initiated a mediation process with the 600+ employees involved in the suit. The lawsuit covers Patient Engagement Specialists (PES), Patient Navigators (PN), Nurses, and Directors of Nurses (DON). The mediation process started either this or the following week.

With LR’s track record of not paying bills, will LR pay when a settlement is reached? Time will tell.

One Response to “Landmark Employees Class Action Lawsuit”

  1. I’m rooting for these former employees!! I don’t think the Boyle’s really want to take this to trial with what it will cost to go there. It’s too bad that all the employees that were screwed out of regular pay, severance and expenses weren’t able to be a part of this lawsuit!! The number of people in the suit would probably double! This is what becomes of a company when you let your idiot kid, hire idiots (c-suite), make idiot decisions, implement idiot policies, then change those idiot policies too more idiot policies while never ever reaching out to the people on the front lines. In the military, they call it FUBAR…….congratulations Matt and Cliff… two geniuses successfully made LR Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition.

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