Get out now, Landmark is Toast

I understand people want to leave on their terms or can’t find equal-paying jobs. Landmark let the staff at Battle Creek know yesterday that today, Friday, March 7th, is their last day. LR Landmark has let the last financial counselor, the team lead in billing, and the payment poster go today. They were told it was because Landmark was going bankrupt. The stolen car is low on gas and riding on rims. The end is at hand. Landmark is not offering severance packages. Your jobs and future are not safe at all.

13 Responses to “Get out now, Landmark is Toast”

  1. It’s sad that they let that Financial Counselor go. She was honestly the best they had in that billing department.

  2. It’s sad that they that Financial Counselor go. She was the best they had in that billing department.

  3. A man that cannot be truthful in his own self cannot be truthful about most everything else. We ALL know what this is referring too. Being the narcissist that Matt Boyle is, honesty is not a trait he possesses. When it’s good, it’s all due to him, when it’s bad, it’s all due to us. Add greed into the equation and you have what has become what Landmark now is, a broken, crumbling, fractured entity with no hope. “Saving a million lives in 100 years” was nothing more then a catch phrase. Used to catch good people, who wanted to make a difference in peoples lives who are struggling with addiction. So the next time you feel the urge to quote from the movie “Gladiator” Matt, don’t!!! Nothing in that movie will ever apply to you personally or how you run a company.

  4. ^^^^Beyond livelihoods let’s not forget how that catch phrase “saving a million lives in 100 years” is also responsible for “catching” vulnerable people and LITERALLY taking their lives….the life of our loved ones… who sought professional help from Landmark Recovery #standupforsam

    1. That is what happened on Black Friday, March 3rd, 2023. I was offered two choices the previous month, relocate or go part-time. I choose to go part-time and two weeks later, I was laid off.

  5. Matthew Boyle CEO of Landmark Recovery has been listed as frauder, had to file bankruptcy, and has had some facilities shut down over the country due to overdoses and someone taking their own life away, with pending investigations going on about his company, Matt Boyle claims he is here to help people in recovery battling against alcohol and drugs, says he is passionate about changing lives haha……. Nothing could be further from the truth!! Matthew Boyle is all about money money money. The Love of money = Greed That is in his heart. He tells patients and staff “your treatment matters” however us patients, staff members and PES’s are not satisfied with his program. Anyone looking to receive treatment here, be very careful and do research first because Matt Boyle has an admission team, and they will basically tell you anything you want to hear so you can come in the program. However once you get to the facility the rules WILL BE DIFFERENT than what you expected, from ADMISSONS. Remember… they are all about making money, the more patients inside the building the more money they get! BE very cautious because Matt Boyle is someone disgusing himself to be a light, when this man is in darkness with his corruption and fraud and failures for other facilities being shut down! Many Patients here DON’T ENJOY THEIR TREATMENT HERE. WHISTLEBLOWER : MATTHEW BOYLE CEO Landmark Recovery has had incidents happen in his facilities when he refused to let corner have access to video tape footage from surveillance. The Corners office had to get a warrant from the Judge to get video footage. Matt Boyle has moved out his assets out of the USA into Central America. Nicaragua/ Guatemala. Be very careful with Landmark Recovery there is a higher rate that you will honestly feel depression and sadness. Patients felt neglected because of poor management. There are still plenty of lawsuits going actively today against Landmark Recovery, search them up and you will find them!

  6. I guarantee that billing department has gone to sh*t since they let her go. Hopefully she sees these posts.

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