Employees looking for their W2s

The Collective has received several questions concerning W2s. Landmark claims to have mailed them out on January 31st. I have yet to receive my physical copy. If you don’t have yours, please email Leighton.Birchard@landmarkrecovery.com, and he will help you access Paycom. I emailed her, and she replied immediately. I now have my W2 downloaded.

9 Responses to “Employees looking for their W2s”

  1. Leighton is a man you fucking fool…. Is that all you do is assume? I thought SJWs like yourself didn’t assume genders? Also, yeah DW is a pedo and then the NEXT DAY “I’d let my kids be around him” dude you’re lame af. Do better

    1. How about you use your real name and address coward. I am not hiding. I have told everyone who I am. You are the one who posted two comments bashing me. I am sorry, but who needs to get a life? I am a consumer advocate by heart. I shut down companies, call out bad actors for my living. This is pro-bono work. I have lost money buying this domain and setting up hosting. I have a comment that somebody turned down a position with Landmark Recovery, so that’s a win.

  2. Leighton is man… He. Do you have any other hobbies besides obsessing about landmark

    1. Fixed, that was an error on part. I usually use they them pronouns when I write. I know it upsets Landmark Recovery jerks. I was typing too fast. I am sorry, I messed up.

  3. It is unfair to say that the opinion of one is the opinion of all. Most of the people who still work for LR are good people, who rely on an income to meet their basic needs. Just because ONE person has feelings about pronouns doesn’t mean all do. Just because one person might be a jerk, doesn’t mean they all are. Most of the people you talk about don’t know who you are and never interacted with you, Despite what you think, not everyone who works there are sheep and most of the things you are sharing are unmerited. This is exactly what is dangerous about social media, only partial or no truths are shown

    1. The audacity to attempt to call me out while you don’t use your real name. Talk about being a hypocrite!!! I have spoken to countless current former employees from Landmark. They got worked for Landmark to help people. I would not have launched this website, had the Boyles had done the right thing from the get go. Countless people attempted to fix the issues at LR, and those pleads were rejected and ignored. Mishawaka was the beginning of the end. March 3rd, 2023 aka Black Friday is when everything soured. Don’t bring a butter knife to a gun fight, because I will use my words to destroy the fuck out of you, you coward. How about next time, you use your real name and supply your email address, chickenshit!!! I am not hiding, so why are you??? Matty Boyle and Justin Hartman, hated pronouns. These two need to go to jail and rot there. I am trying to save innocent lives from being destroyed by going to Landmark. I am fight to save lives. You are a coward mouthing off, while hiding. Bring it. I love the haters, I love the trolls. I love the people that thank me for having this website. It all fuels and motivates me. In my latest post, I mentioned how I have received a death threat. I had a former client accuse me of using a antisemitism remark on phone because I called him out for buying fake reviews. I have countless people threat to sue me and send me cease and desists. Only one person did it. I am framing it. I shut down my first company in 2013. I don’t know how many businesses I have shut down. Google hates me. I have battled the Russian Mafia, The Church of Scientology, countless addiction treatment centers, and I am battling the Israeli Mafia. If you think you comments, will determine, you don’t know me. Go and Goolge, Jason Brown fake reviews. I am a digital marketer by trade and a consumer advocate by heart. I do a lot of pro-bono work. I paid for the domain and set up hosting out of my own pocket. I launched this website after hearing about Justin Hartman’s nickname for PSBN. Rape jokes??? Seriously, how horrible do you have to be as a person? I told John Hood, who I was, and they still hired me. Now I am showing them. If you are so tough, reply back with your real name and email.

  4. Such an angry elf. Your response is complete incongruent to the comment. Thank you for demonstrating how unstable and self righteous you are.

    1. I love how you can’t use your real name, while calling me names. I have a surprise in the works for you. I am going to unmask you. Thank you for using the same IP address to post your second comment, Verizon Business out of North Carolina. You stupid dumbshit, you can’t hide from me. I know how to get IP records subpoenaed. I don’t have too, as I can get the investigators to do it for me. I am adding you my list of IPs to be subpoenaed. Bye, Felicia!!!

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