Within hours of EM leaving LR, I had two sources contact me. I knew something had happened in the Cayman Islands, but I didn’t know what. Landmark wanted to move a portion of the Home Office to the Cayman Islands. John Hood informed the marketing department of this during one of our Monday morning meetings.

The trip occurred between October 6 to October 12, 2023. The rumors ran wild. I was told that Clifford Boyle either touched EM inappropriately or asked her to join in a three-way. I emailed Cliffy for a comment, and to my surprise, he replied, “Three way? First I ever heard of this. I have not seen any such allegation.” I replied with, “Did you touch her inappropriately???” Cliffy replied with this veiled attempt to threaten me, “

I don’t know why I got a second email (below). There is no body in the message. I believe my response was clear. Not only did I never touch her inappropriately, your email is the first I ever heard of the allegations asked about.
I have never read your website, but I have been told there are false and libelous claims on it that may be actionable. You have the right to free speech, but you do not have the right to publish lies that damage someone’s business. I am not saying you have done so, only that I have been told you have. You may want to consult your lawyer before publishing anything you are not sure is true and that you can back up with proof.”
So, imagine my surprise when EM’s lawyer emailed me. Landmark was refusing to honor the confidentiality agreement because I was asking questions. FYI, Cliffy and Matty, if you don’t want me to know, then stop running your mouths. You screwed up by not paying EM, and there is a court case. Many people and more will learn about this lawsuit. Several people I spoke with named EM. They mentioned how she rose through the ranks, how Cliffy spent more time in the office, and how EM would have hour-long tea times with EM.

Listen to me motherfuckers, I am not afraid of you. I have the truth on my side.
Update March 23, 2024, 9:15 AM PST
I read the entire court filing from employment lawyer Douglas Janney III. Cliffy is a dirty old man and a lying piece of shit.
Update March 24, 2024, 8:17 AM PST
He is the Cliff notes from what is alleged by Em’s lawyer in his legal filing. EM worked from September 7, 2021, to January 5, 2024. EM states she was subjected to unwelcome, offensive, and severe or pervasive sexual
harassment. The trip to Cayman Island was from October 6 to October 12, 2023. EM told Clify she didn’t want to go, and general counsel Kang advised Cliffy that this was not a good idea. At meals, Cliffy asked EM to feed him to strengthen their relationship. Cliffy told her he wanted to be the father of her children. Cliffy went to a jewelry store and badgered EM to pick out jewelry. Cliffy paid $8,000 for a necklace, earrings, and a ring set. The day before EM left to come back home, Cliffy invited a woman and her friend to join them for dinner. The women came back to Cliffy’s for drinks after dinner. Cliffy and one of the women badgered EM ot join them in the pool. EM woke up to find Cliffy and the other woman sitting on her bed, holding her bra. Cliffy asks EM to help him get the other woman hired at LR. On multiple occasions, Cliff made remarks about EM’s body and looks. On another occasion, Cliff took her and another female employee to dinner and kissed EM.
Update March 28, 2024, 1:21
If EM wants this removed, she can contact her lawyer, and he can email me to take it down or edit it.
28 Responses to “Clifford Boyle was Accused of Acting Inappropriately”
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The depths of the depravity knows no bounds.
I just read the full court filling. WTSF!!! Cliffy is a dirt old man.
Can you post the cliff notes of the court filing in here?
Post it
I updated the post with the link
Please have awareness of how this posting poses the risk of resurfacing the trauma for the person involved and reconsider (not referencing the Boyles here).
I have. I am in a peculiar predicament. Since I am cited in her lawyers reply, I can’t contact her and get her permission to share this or ask if she wants it taken down. My goal was not cause EM more pain. My goal was to protect more women from having to experience Clifford’s unwanted advances. If you read the filing by her lawyer, the reoccurring theme is him not taking her no as an answer, and continuing to badge her for an hour each time. I am highlighting how Cliffy is be accused of lying and changing his story to get out paying. I hope his wife sees this, so she knows what her hubby is doing behind her back and how countless people at Landmark know and knew. The BHB article was posted and shared in The Collective FB group. People are discussing as adults and feel bad for her. People are disgusted with Cliffy’s behavior and rooting for her. If this goes to trial, I am on the witness list, and others are willing to come forward on her behalf. I didn’t post this as gossip, I posted this with the best of intentions. I know the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
His wife doesn’t care. She is glad he isn’t touching her. She can’t get a green card to move to the Cayman’s with him, because she is Russian. So Cliffy will be going alone (or he thought he was going with EM). Anyone who was at the Christmas party saw his wife’s reaction anytime he even attempted to dance with her or touch or- absolute disgust and revulsion. She has her anchor baby now, and she probably WANTS him to move it on down to Cayman town.
Yana, if you’re listenin’…. Lol
I assure you she did not want this posted and would not have consented to it. In addition, the posting across platforms and commenting not only has the potential to harm her, it also can harm the case – as a moderator of all of the above, you have the opportunity to correct it. Any person who is willing to be a witness in the case can contact her lawyer but I assure you she does not want the attention derived from the postings
Chris Lawson wrote this article about the lawsuit. My issue is too many people stood by and didn’t step to protect her. It saddens me in the day and age of #MeToo. I am not the only one sharing it and discussing the situation. I am ensure this crap doesn’t happen to another woman. It pains me that this is causing EM more trauma. The other women is married so she either cheated on her spouse or fiancé at the time of this incident. Cliffy screwed up by backing out of the deal. I had two different people reach out to me after EM left LR. Sadly, this was common knowledge because Cliffy, Matty, and Adam Stoddard openly talked about it at Home Office. He lied and forced her lawyer to file this. It’s now public record. I feel sorry for EM, i truly do, but I can stand to see this happen to another woman. It’s time for Cliffy to pay the piper. My mom was a victim of domestic violence and nobody spoke up. My first memory was one of their fights. I was in my crib crying my eyes out. The moon was shining in my window to light up the room. My sister was cyber-stalked by a man online. I have many female friends with countless horror stories about toxic men. Several men in the SEO community have acted inappropriately to women at conferences, they still speak. I call out the bullshit. This is my pinned tweet on Twitter, “We are all terminal. Life is short. We don’t get a do-over. Do something of value. This is why I am a consumer. I use my skills to give back. Make each day count.” Please tell her I am sorry she went through this, and I will be to testify when the time comes. Please check out my social media, it’s Keyserholiday everywhere.
I tend to agree with @Close to the source.
I acknowledge your efforts to stand up against injustice, but it’s essential to address the underlying issue here. By sharing deeply personal information without consent, you’re not acting as a savior but rather as a “white knight” driven by personal agendas.
While your intentions may seem noble, it’s critical to recognize the line between genuine support and self-serving actions. Exploiting someone’s trauma to fulfill your own sense of righteousness only perpetuates the cycle of harm.
Your past experiences with friends and family undoubtedly shape your perspective, but it’s crucial to understand that each individual’s journey is unique. What may have been appropriate or necessary in one situation might not apply universally.
Advocating for justice must be done with respect for boundaries and consent. Offering support without permission can be just as harmful as the initial injustice. True empowerment comes from empowering survivors to make their own choices and respecting their autonomy.
I urge you to reconsider your approach and prioritize the well-being and wishes of the individual involved. Let’s work towards justice in a manner that respects boundaries and supports survivors on their terms.
I tend to agree with @Close to the source
I acknowledge your efforts to stand up against injustice, but it’s essential to address the underlying issue here. By sharing deeply personal information without consent, you’re not acting as a savior but rather as a “white knight” driven by personal agendas.
While your intentions may seem noble, it’s critical to recognize the line between genuine support and self-serving actions. Exploiting someone’s trauma to fulfill your own sense of righteousness only perpetuates the cycle of harm.
Your past experiences with friends and family undoubtedly shape your perspective, but it’s crucial to understand that each individual’s journey is unique. What may have been appropriate or necessary in one situation might not apply universally.
Advocating for justice must be done with respect for boundaries and consent. Offering support without permission can be just as harmful as the initial injustice. True empowerment comes from empowering survivors to make their own choices and respecting their autonomy.
I urge you to reconsider your approach and prioritize the well-being and wishes of the individual involved. Let’s work towards justice in a manner that respects boundaries and supports survivors on their terms.
It’s already been posted and linked to online. There is no putting the genie back in the bottle. The BHB article is the number two result on Google for her name and Clifford Boyle. I am number on for my old post about Cliff’s crocodile tear speech after the three deaths in Mishawaka. I intentionally used her initials so I would not rank for her name and the lawsuit. You chose the name of concerned citizen, did you ever speak up and try to protect her? Did you read the entire filling by her lawyer? HA was there when he kissed her at dinner. This crap went on for a long time and unchecked.
I became a consumer advocate 11 years ago this month. I launched my first website on April 15th, 2013. I remember the date clearly, because a few hours later we have had the Boston Bombing. I shut down all efforts to promote it as it was the not the day to do it. I can’t ask her for permission because I am on the witness list. I won’t have any contact with her unless I am needed to testify in court. This is a news story and not about drama or spreading gossip. I am sure there were other victims that were paid off. I don’t want to see another woman to have experience this. I encourage everyone that has an issue to email their real name at info@landmarkrecoverysucks.com I will schedule a call with you to hear you out.
You don’t know me and I find your comments to be insulting. Why should I allow you to post anonymously? Can we debate this with you making judgments about me or wild accusations? When did we as a society lose the ability to debate?
You do understand that your martyrdom doesn’t absolve you from responsibility and the role you are playing in perpetuating this? You cannot gaslight others into thinking that you have no responsibility because the article has been posted elsewhere. He doesn’t know that he doesn’t have her consent, you do. You’ve been told, without reservation, you do not have her consent and your response was flippant in nature and gives the impression that you don’t care because, well someone else did it. THIS is why victims don’t speak out; you are disempowering her and you are diminishing her voice. Can we please get off this self-importance trip. We have read, numerous times, why and when you became an advocate – it is irrelevant to what is going on. Perpetuating this, when you’ve been asked not to and told you do not have her consent, renders you conducting yourself in the reported same manner the person in the post is supposedly about: doing something despite being told no. And before you ask and try to take attention away from the subject at hand, allow me to remind you that you actually have no idea who tried to help and who spoke up and supported her because despite what you think, people didn’t stand idly by.
Please stop expecting people to come to you non-anonymously because you have this tendency to tear apart anyone who doesn’t align with your view.
I am turning off comments for the post. I have stated the reason why I wrote this post. Please read all of my replies to comments. The only people I ripped into were my trolls. I know exactly who they are.
Q:You chose the name of concerned citizen, did you ever speak up and try to protect her?
A: I’ve been supportive of her in any capacity that she’s requested for as long as I’ve known her. It is not my place to take up a role to give unsolicited help. She is an adult and a very adept one at that, which is why she went to HR and didn’t let the matter continue. If she needs help or protection she would ask for it. Also, I’ve never known any detail of what happened due to the agreement until I read it in pretty good detail here, which I believe is the point that many are trying to make. It’s okay to report things, but maybe not give details in such a public forum. The other article that was released mentions no such detail.
Q: Did you read the entire filling by her lawyer?
A: I did not. These things aren’t “easy” to find, until it was posted here or unless you know what you’re looking for. Which is to say you have information a priori.
My concern is that everyone at LR knows about this website and now knows detail and where to look. Hopefully, you understand how embarrassing and exposing this can be. That is the part that I’m failing to see how you’re helping. I ask you try to put yourself in their shoes in the future.
This is all I’m willing to discuss on the matter here.
A. The article links to her lawyer’s filing. It’s link to in the opening paragraph.
“Substance use disorder provider Landmark Recovery is facing a lawsuit over an employee settlement agreement that includes sexual harassment allegations involving owner and chairman, Cliff Boyle.” It’s 25 pages and I read the entire document. It’s public record now. If there were other incidents, they may have been covered up. Read this lawsuit filed against Landmark parent company Simsbury Associates. Cliffy treats people horribly and this is nothing new.
You did not approve my 2nd post. Interesting.
It was picked up by the spam filter and sent to the spam folder. I approved it now, and I will read. Thank you, for alerting me. Here are the messages in my spam folder and here are the ones I deleted. There is no there there.
honestly, i think everyone involved here is retarded (go try to cancel shane gillis or something on reddit before you type the word ‘ableist’).
it’s kinda weird you’ve maintained an obsession over a company you got fired from over a year ago now bc you couldn’t come out of your california basement for the job as required. why let a failing company and it’s poor sad characters occupy your time and energy? ‘because i’m making the world a better place!’ okay man whatever you want, you do your thing. i haven’t bothered thinking about anything related to the company much since i left and it’s wonderful.
i’m gonna be real w you, this does seem kinda white knighty. since we’re blasting everything about the case onto the world wide web, yeah, liz prob deserves to win this one. but let’s be honest, she’s an adult and could’ve removed herself from many of these situations but chose to let herself remain in them; one can actually just walk out of a jewelry store, it’s not hard. (‘how dare you victim blame!’–that obviously doesn’t absolve cliff from the alleged incident if it happened either way.) also these rumors were flying all over the office since the trip, but most importantly, the office was literally always gossiping about cliff’s practiced lack of moral character. i’m begging everyone to take adult responsibility and exercise some agency in these situations, actually.
yes, we all know cliff loves eastern european hookers looking for a US level income far above the median income of godless former USSR oligarchies. congrats to those who earn the fat dollar signs and can score all the fat silicone tits imaginable. yes, we all know he’s a huge perv; the guy can’t go a moment without making off color comments to a woman or hitting on someone at the christmas party. anyone who took a glance at his previously public facebook profile (lots of hilarious stuff on there and i’m not laughing with him fwiw) could infer this. he’ll get his day in court, i’m sure matt’s right about him not winning. in fact, he ensured his coming loss when he unwisely acknowledged your email without calling his attorney before responding or deleting it. lol, lmao even. anyways i understand the weather’s great in cali this time of year, a good scooter ride in the sunshine is probably in order, please touch some grass. we all should go touch some grass.
those who wish to act depraved should simply take their depravity elsewhere. i wish every poor sap in this drama and those who can’t help but force their way into getting involved for martyr points a Happy Easter.
p.s. if anyone’s interested, the case paperwork is here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IVnd25jQpa0aoU6eDE6lXScmDDlxXWdE/view
For starters, anybody who talks like this shouldn’t work in addiction treatment. This redacted word, honestly, i think everyone involved here is “r*****” (go try, is offensive. I love how you stated and I quote, “i haven’t bothered thinking about anything related to the company much since i left and it’s wonderful,” yet here you are on this website and leaving a comment. I am 99% certain I know who this is. You are older than me, because most folks say, “the internet,” while you called it the, “world wide web.” The irony inj this statement, while you link to the legal filing, “i’m gonna be real w you, this does seem kinda white knighty. since we’re blasting everything about the case onto the world wide web.” This how stupid Landmark shills are. You either know more about the posts here or you know me, “you couldn’t come out of your california basement for the job as required.” Was I fired or laid off? Your comments are full of lies.
Let’s play Guess Who.
You are old because you referred to the internet as “world wide web.” You also stated, ” also these rumors were flying all over the office since the trip.” So you were employed as of October 2023. You used the derogatory term, Ret*** instead of mental disability. You stated, it’s kinda weird you’ve maintained an obsession over a company you got fired from over a year ago now bc you couldn’t come out of your california basement for the job as required.” Strange how you mentioned I live in California. I only mentioned it once on this blog. This is the final telling comment, “a good scooter ride.” When I went the home office for the final time in December, it was to attend the Christmas party. The night before, I tripped over one of those rent scooters. Only the marketing department heard the story. Based on your comments, you are older than me, you worked for LR within the past 5 months. You worked at the home office. I am going to say that you are my number one troll, who has been leaving anonymous comments. I am 99% certain you are Matty Boyles’ step father Michael Walsh. What you don’t get is, I am a high school drop who went back to get my GED and went to night school to get my associates degree. I am helping to take down a criminal empire with my skills. John Hood fucked up when he hired me. I told him who I am, now I am showing him and Landmark. I have taken on The Church of Scientology, Google, and countless addiction treatment scammers. I am smarter than you. You are playing checkers, while I am playing chess. Maybe you should take your own advice, “he unwisely acknowledged your email without calling his attorney before responding.” I have three dogs, Tina, Caitlin, and Crystal. We go for 20 minute walks 5 to 7 times a day. I do step away from the computer, maybe you should, too. I will see you in court, when I am called to testify, or when I show up to watch the trial. Now, who needs to grow up and get a job, you lying sack of shit???
You will not be called to testify. You are a liability. No attorney in their right mind would consider your involvement in any proceedings.
Everything you have to say is hearsay. You’re purveying 3rd and 4th hand information very irresponsibility.
I’m not saying there isn’t truth in some of what you’re saying, but you get it wrong more than half the time. And what you don’t realize is that the delusion that you are conducting serious journalism/investigation is just that, a delusion. What I’m trying to say to you is that your efforts are counterproductive to ANY legal proceeding and if you really cared as much as you say you did, you would curate your content accordingly.
But I suspect this whole exercise is not up for a Pulitzer – it’s reads like a self-aggrandizing year long wank session.
Resist the urge to lash out in reply.
Don’t come into my house, insult me, and tell me what do. You don’t belong working in addiction treatment. I have sources from C-suite, Admissions, HR, EDs, DONs, NPs, Therapists, and PES. We are dismantling LR brick by brick. If you only knew what was happening behind the scenes and the amount of intel I have. You have every right to be scared and to lash out. I am not mad, angry, or upset. Comments like this don’t phase me. I have made countless friends through this project. I have people’s therapist and shoulder to cry on. People felt like they were the crazy ones, and they are not. It’s the Boyles and those who towed the company line. The full truth will be coming to light. I am looking forward to the perp walks. LR has been about profits over people and some employees chose money over helping people. Matty’s story about why he started LR is bullshit. He told people at one Christmas party. The hotel never got paid for that event.
You need therapy
Although I agree wholeheartedly with redacting information of those who are vulnerable, I am also very confused about the comments here. An article came out on March 22nd regarding this suit. It’s the very same day this blurb came out. The article was written by Chris Larson, as seen here: https://bhbusiness.com/2024/03/22/addiction-treatment-company-landmark-recovery-accused-of-violating-harassment-settlement/
It links the suit as well. Furthermore, it is not fully redacted, only partially. So, my question is, why come after one person who linked the suit, and not the other? Based on the comments, it leaves one to believe that it’s the presentation here that may cause some to be offended, rather than the suit itself being linked or even the individual being named.
If the party who filed the suit truly wants this content removed, I think the sensible thing to do is have the lawyer reach out to the Admin. There’s really no telling who is commenting here and what the intentions are. It could be genuine, it could also be someone connected to Landmark trying to cause trouble. I also suggest the lawyer reaches out to Chris Larson too. Of course the distress of the individual already victimized should be taken as most important. It’s just that battling it out anonymously in a comment section is counterproductive.
I couldn’t agree more. I have offered people to email and I will share my cell phone so we can talk. I can’t contact her lawyer as my images show, Cliffy emailed me and my communication with him are being cited in the filing. As I look at the comments and the people refusing to use their real names, you either are still employed by Landmark or loyal to the Boyles. I am not going to back down, and I will articulate my replies, and I will call out your flawed thinking. Has anybody seen the movie version of Bye Bye Birdie? There is a scene where the women and walking towards the school singing, “We love you, Conrad,” while the men sing, “We hate you, Conrad.” I am Conrad. The employees, patients, consumers, and agencies I help, all love me. The bad actors, black hats, spammers, lead generation sellers, fake review sellers, Google, and The Church of Scientology, all hate me. I have long list of haters and trolls. I have received death threats and been banned by Moz and BrightLocal. These comments don’t even phase me. I am used to the hate. I thrive off of the hate. You can’t win or deter me. I am not angry or upset. You don’t know me.