Landmark Recovery of Denver is out of Control

Today I received the following email regarding issues at Landmark Recovery of Denver and Executive Director Kim Jacksi. Please the following email:

“I am a previous employee with Landmark of Denver. Plenty of dirty secrets.

Drugs? Employees doing drugs in the parking lot? Contraband?

Employees sleeping with patients?

The new executive director that skips out on job duties because she is doing homework?
Bangs her hands on a desk to throw a tantrum while throwing a fit.
Yells at patients like they are her children. Harasses employees when she has their personal phone number.

Employees ending up in the hospital.

Firing staff because they make too much money.

Nursing staff all gave their notice now they are scrambling to hire 5 new nurses.

A therapist at risk for losing their license because the executive director made a situation an HR issue instead of protecting her with the state.

Discharging an eating disorder patient to the streets, not telling staff that she couldn’t come back to the facility until after the patient was outside in the cold for 8 hours.

Having therapists, APPs, falsify documentation so Landmark can make more money on Withdrawal management instead of medical management and residential.

Firing staff in front of patients, Matt Boyle screaming, yelling, to staff in front of patients.

Cases of rape that gets ignored.

Forcing staff to lie and hide during state and joint commission surveys.

Labcorp dropped landmark because they weren’t getting paid.

Multiple fill pharmacy’s dropped landmark for not paying their bills.

Staff stealing money and personal valuables from patients, lying to the police when a report is made.”

I am shocked that A. Landmark is still in business and B. that Landmark hasn’t turned things around. I feel sorry for Landmark’s employees and people seeking treatment.

Here is a Google review accusing the person working intake of stealing money from a patient.

Landmark Recovery of Denver Google review accusing staff of stealing money

Here is a review accusing Executive Director Kim Jackson of retaliating against a patient.

Google review accusing Kim Jacksi of harassment

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