Landmark Recovery is Requesting my Website be Taken Down

I received the following notice from HostGator, my website hosting provider.

Alleged Trademark Infringement Email

Veronika Carnogurska filled the notice. She is the woman whom Cliffy was alleged to have had an affair with in the Cayman Islands. Interestingly, in EM’s lawyer’s filing, he claims Cliffy wanted EM to help her get hired, and now she has an official LR email address.

Veronika Carnogurska files Trademark Infringement Complaint to Landmark Recovery Sucks

On Facebook, Veronika Harabinová (Carnogurska) dropped the Carnogurska from her last name. She is using it for her employment at LR.


Here is the letter from Michelle Lubbert the General Counsel for LR.

Michelle Lubbert the General Counsel for Landmark Recovery LinkedIn

Maybe you should work on your on your grammatical error or sign up for Grammarly. It’s worked wonders for me and my writing.

Jokes on you. I used one plug-in to replace all references to Skidmark Recovery to LR and Prax** to Medicaid Facility. I am also protected by the 1st amendment. The comments are protected by Section 230. If you want to push this, you are going to learn about the Streisand Effect. You just started the process now. The question I want to know is, will you make matters worse? LR will be out of money or in jail before this goes to trial. If this goes to trial, I will reach out to all my contacts in the media. Bring it.

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